Back in 1999, numerical optimization software was taking its first steps. Our key to success was envisioning a tool - modeFRONTIER - that was unprecedented within its target market. Today, we expanded our offer and audience, but we keep with the same mission - being at the forefront of software innovation.

In 1999, ESTECO was founded by three engineers as a spin-off of the University of Trieste, building on the knowledge they acquired during an EU funded project.
Starting with numerical optimization as our core business, our offer later expanded its scope to cover different aspects of the engineering design process. Now our products and ventures have moved forward. We bring technology innovation to multiple markets and audiences, from business process management to mobile apps.
Headquartered in Trieste (Italy), we’ve grown steadily and we currently count over 150 employees worldwide, with branches and offices in the United States, India, and Germany.
1999 ESTECO is established in Europe, modeFRONTIER hits the market
1999 ESTECO is established in Europe, modeFRONTIER hits the market
2001 Expansion to Asian markets
2001 Expansion to Asian markets
2003 ESTECO North America opens in Novi, MI
2003 ESTECO North America opens in Novi, MI
2012 ESTECO India opens in Pune
2012 ESTECO India opens in Pune
2013 SOMO first release
2013 SOMO first release
2015 Release of our first BPMN Editor
2015 Release of our first BPMN Editor
2016 SOMO evolves into VOLTA
2016 SOMO evolves into VOLTA
2018 New Headquarters open
2018 New Headquarters open
2019 Launch of Cardanit BPMN Editor
2019 Launch of Cardanit BPMN Editor
2021 ESTECO DACH opens in Nuremberg
2021 ESTECO DACH opens in Nuremberg
Corporate facts
company locations
in Italy, North America, India and Germany.
channel partners operating in 50+ countries.
technology partners worldwide.
years of experience in developing top-notch software.
percent of our workforce are women, above the industry average. The mean age is 37,6 years.
percent of our employees hold a postgraduate or master degree. 17 percent completed a PhD.
employees worldwide of which about 115 work within our Headquarters in Italy.
academic collaborations. Professors around the world rely on our technologies.
organizations using our technologies in a wide range of industrial fields.

Carlo Poloni
A Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Trieste, Carlo Poloni co-founded ESTECO in 1999. He previously worked at Aeritalia and Sincrotrone Trieste and joined the University of Trieste as a researcher with a focus on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. He has authored more than 100 papers and collaborates with international companies and organizations. He is also a member of the board of the Italian Chapter of INCOSE.

Luka Onesti
As the company’s Chief Technology Officer, Luka Onesti is in charge of leading the software teams. He graduated in Electronics Engineering at the University of Trieste and has an MBA from MIB School of Management. He collaborated as a visiting researcher at the University of Bergen (Norway), where he took part in the “Frontier” project. He later co-founded ESTECO and participated in the original modeFRONTIER development.

Enrico Nobile
Scientific Advisor
Enrico Nobile is a Professor of Thermodynamics and Thermal-fluids at the University of Trieste and ESTECO’s scientific advisor. He has a postgraduate degree diploma from Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) in Belgium. Enrico supervised several Ph.D. theses and he collaborated with many research institutions including New Brunswick University (Canada), Kolektor Turboinštitut (SI), Politecnico di Milano and Consorzio Padova Ricerche. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 scientific publications.